When you’re developing a new software product, choosing a trusted development partner is one of the most important steps in the process. The long-term relationship is ideally based on mutual trust. A partner that intimately understands the product’s vision and goals can be more effective during the product development process.
After months of discussions and getting to know each other throughout 2012, iEmergent and Far Reach realized we had the makings of a perfect partnership. iEmergent had the data, industry knowledge, and relationships; and we had the team to build Mortgage MarketSmart from concept to market.
In the years since Far Reach and iEmergent teamed up to bring Mortgage MarketSmart to life, the product has grown and transformed as technology has changed and iEmergent has learned what its customers want and need.
In 2012, iEmergent and Far Reach worked together to build a prototype of Mortgage MarketSmart to test the riskiest assumptions (and the partnership). After a successful prototype, the team built version 1 of Mortgage MarketSmart, which launched in October 2013 at the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) Annual Convention.
As any progressive tech company does, iEmergent was thinking about the new features and enhancements they wanted even before version 1 launched. The ideas were patiently saved into a backlog until 2017 when Microsoft retiring support for Silverlight initiated a system rewrite. Version 2 of Mortgage MarketSmart launched in late 2019 with improvements for both iEmergent and their customers.